Inspirational Bible Verses – Joel 2:25 – God Has Plans to Restore Your Life

Joel 2 25 I will restore what the locust has eaten“I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.” – Joel 2:25

This is one of the most incredible promises found in scripture. Many times because of past sin and indiscretions we promise to make it all up to God, and we promise to make amends. God tells us here that we have it all wrong. He promises us that he will make up for our destroyed years, all those years of being wasted, stripped, broken  by the enemy. The Lord tells us that we cannot even repay Him for a single wasted second. He will make up our losses and those of our family.

God created us for His eternal purpose. We were birthed in the redemptive blood for a satisfying life, joy unspeakable and full of His glory. But because of the sin we allowed to enter our life, His plan for us was interrupted and we spent many wasted and lost years. Just as He did in Joel, God now speaks to each and every one of us and wishes the lost years to be restored to us.

How can God restore that which was lost you may ask? He will give you a life filled with joy and victory that is far beyond your own capabilities and talents. In Christ you will go father, and accomplish more than you ever imagined was possible.

We can stand upright today, as if we had never sinned, as if we had lost no time, as if we were right where we would have been had the devourer never come! God puts us right back on His divine schedule. His eternal purpose and plan are right where He planned them to be. Nothing is lost!

In Christ, everything is new – even the calendar. The Lord goes back to the day the locust came, sees the parts of your life that were wasted, removes them and starts you over again, filling your life with His precious blessings. In Christ, you will not ever have to say, “I regret what I missed or what I could have been”. You need not ever fill your thoughts with, “I knew what God had for me, but I blew it.” God promises that He will restore all that He intended for you.

Years of total desolation. I have been there. As a young man my life came apart at the edges and pounded by the storm of my own misguided beliefs I stumbled through the pieces that became the rubble of destruction in my life. My soul felt beaten, broken, and hopeless.

Society holds no honor for an ex-pastor. There is pity from one, and sorrow from another, and from a remaining few – judgment. I dealt with the shame and guilt years ago as I searched my heart and beat myself up wondering how I could have fallen away. How could I have been so self-centered and blind to just walk away? I sowed the wind of sin and reaped the whirlwind of devastation, but that storm has passed, and I now stand in the fields white with grain of the harvest of grace in my life. Christ has removed my condemning spirit of myself and allowed me to forgive and pray for those that still do it for me.

It took me quite some time to recover. But He, the Faithful one in my life, has restored more than I could have ever asked for. God is working in my life. The city that I built with my hands unto myself is gone, and He is building a brand new thing. The foundation of that which Christ is building to restore my life is built with His hands, not mine. He is the cornerstone – Grace is the foundation and truth will shape the walls.

Do not grow fearful and anxious as you wait for things to get better. Part of the process of God’s wondrous ability to bless our lives is you and I taking the time to slow down petition the throne of Grace and listen for His voice. As we slow down and wait on Him, we will be reminded of our complete and utter dependence on His strength. When we take the time to stop, pray; slow down and wait on Him – He will bring the resolution to our problems as and reveal His plan for our lives.

The taste of restoration is sweet. There is nothing so great. Do not allow the bitter taste of past failures and defeat leave you with unresolved issues both in your mind and in your life that will weigh you down as time passes if you allow it. Give them over to God.

Many times the second journey in God’s will for a person’s life is far greater than the original. God sometimes saves the best for the last as He knew we would fall, we would be finished, we would think that it would be over, but He is never done with us. Submit all to His service, and to serving Him in whatever and wherever He leads. The best is yet in store.

Take those old wounds – the worries and heartaches about your wasted years, and let God restore to you the very years that were taken away. Then press on confidently in joy, He is your hope and your future.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

God has plans Jeremiah 29 11

Categories: Bible, Comfort, Dreams, Forgiveness, future, God, Grace, Hope, Joy, Renewed Strength, Restoration, Success

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71 replies

  1. A timely message for me and others. Thanks.

  2. I eventually get back to it next week. Thanks.

  3. THANK YOU, Darrell, for these encouraging words….for those of us who feel so badly about our sins and how we often feel like such failures. Yes, the Lord is using your writings indeed. God Bless You!

  4. Darrell thank you for another encouraging and uplifting message and one that needs to be heard. A lot of people live with their guilt and shame and cannot forgive themselves. Blessings brother to you and yours.

  5. Your post always reminding me God is always in my side! thank for this article.

  6. Thank you brother for linking to my blog.

  7. Am so confused and lost in christ, really need ur prayers.

  8. Thank you sir, i have so much wasted years of trying to do something and not coming through for me. Pls pray for me that God according to Isaiah 43:18-20 will do a new thing in my life as He has promised. Thank you sir, you are a blessing!

  9. Thanks for this inspiring word. I myself was just down and out. I’m 21 years old and I was struggling with the fact that I thought I wasn’t good enough to even walk this walk. I was ready to give up I had even got upset with God because I wondered why would he create me if he knew that I would struggle like this… But anywho your words have encouraged me brother may God bless you and be with you.

    • Thank you Rick – The good thing about grace is we do not have to be good enough – He was good enough for us on Calvary and accepts us as we are – He loves you more than you know- Blessings Darrell

  10. First time i read about Joel 2:25. Really touched my heart, what you have written I have very similar experience about the lost years and I believe Jesus is now restoring my broken soul and giving me direction in my life. Thank you so much for this article.

  11. After reading this, we all would realize that our setbacks was a setup for a greater comeback, our weaknesses were clues set in us to help us find our Purpose and Destiny, to help us find our true identity, to help us stay humble in the path chosen for us by God, to lead us to a place where we see that our mistakes are only steps to teach us about God’s love, mercy and truth. You that is reading this at this time is not here by chance, you should know that if you were not relevant for this generation, you would have come some 200 years ago or some 300 years later. God needs you now, and He uses your weakness to help you find yourself fit for His perfect will for you. Noel

  12. This is confirmation of what the Lord has been speaking to me. Thank you so much for your obedience in posting this!

  13. My ex-boyfriend dumped me 9 months ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him.I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me.I was so confuse and don’t know what to do,so I reach to the internet and i meet Dr Azima and i explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness.I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that,we are about to get married.once again thank you Azima are truly talented and gifted is the only answer.

  14. Dear sir, thank you so much for your encouragement. I need you to pray for me. I need God grace to be restore back to my life.

  15. I typed restoration in my search engine and this came up. God has spoken to me as I am a current pastor in a spiritual mess. Thank you for speaking to my soul. I need God’s help right now.

  16. i just want to share my testimony here.. i was married for 10 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the life of my husband.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost…then he filed for whole life was turning apart and i didn’t know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned me and my 4 kids.. after 2 days, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn’t believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are happy..

  17. Hi Darrell,

    I came across your website after I put Joel 2:25 in the search engine. I was meant to find your site and this particular piece you wrote (you are a fine writer by the way). I have been through hell over many years – broken marriage, estranged kids, financial meltdown, and a very dangerous, incurable disease. I fell to alcohol and other addictions and found myself in the bottom of a deep pit. Everything I had was gone. The interesting thing, and readers may not like to hear this, is that my descent into the pit started shortly after I committed myself to Jesus.

    But, I know God will pull me out of the pit and restore to me the many years that I lost. I know he is protecting me. I know he has something special for me. How do I know this? I simply believe it. God had lots of pruning to do on this self-centered, egotistical, me-first believer. And I believe the time of pruning is coming to an end. I am very excited about what’s next and its coming soon – I am already starting to see some of the pieces coming together.

    For me to be of service to Jesus I had to be broken – I know that now. It was a difficult and painful process. And it went on for a long time. So be it. God’s word speaks to my restoration, protection from the evil one, and plans for my future.

    I’ll report back, God Bless.


  18. That was beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to share. Joel 2:25 and Jerm.29:11 just clicked with me, after 19 yrs. Of following the Lord – now understand these verses reveal His heart, and in that way they are for both those in whom the words were spoken and to us who believe. I loved the way you also explained how God puts us right back to where we vered off-before the locust came in. Its so true of my life. Thank you for explaining to me how God truely does seek to restore even a person like me, who was stuck repenting of those “wasted years” before my son died. Years I could have and should have…its all good, because I see now, He hasn’t skipped a beat and I have not surprised Him and so He has made provision for me. Thank you so very much! I have been blessed by your post, keep writing please 🙂

  19. Thank you for this wonderful inspiring article. I know that I’m a work in progress, and that God will lead me through this journey. The words below have given me new hope. I’m so glad I found this site.

    God sometimes saves the best for the last as He knew we would fall, we would be finished, we would think that it would be over, but He is never done with us.

  20. Thank you for this article. I know God’s restoring the wasted years of my almost 11 yr marriage. I had been dealing with depression, mental struggles, fatigue, etc. that stemmed from hormonal birth control and food/chemical sensitivities that were unknown until a little over a year ago. It made it increasingly difficult to function, especially with 2 children in the mix. You’d think that figuring all that out would fix everything, but only very recently did we discover that my husband, too, was struggling with longstanding clinical depression. It has been a very rough road, but one verse has stuck with me, Jer 17:7-8. With that in mind, I relied on natural herbs and supplements to get through, and glory to God, my husband is himself again! I have been healed from several different issues as well through natural means (no pharmaceuticals, Hallelujah!). It’s been so long, so many years of hurt, feeling lonely, rejected and neglected, but it’s over now, and the healing has begun. It was hard to bear the thought that we could’ve been happy all along had we just known, but then a Watermark song came to mind last night. It’s called “Mended”, and in the second verse, it starts, “We will dance, for you restore the wasted years”, and that was a WONDERFUL promise to hear in my time of feeling like so much had been lost. Praise God that His love is perfect! I’m pasting the link to the song, it’s beautiful and it really ministered to me, even though I’ve known it for over 10 years. Be blessed!!

  21. Thank you for the encouraging word.for my childhood have lived a life of failing in school too now am 30 I can’t some word plez pray for me God to restor the lost years.I want to knw how to read and go back sch

  22. hello sir please how can one receive back lost glory and be set free under curse

  23. Searching for scriptures on restoration was led to this wonderful word of encouragement! God bless you! I really needed this. Spiritual abuse is a devilish thing, but GOD! …and His unfailing sweet loving kindness. Yes, (rest)oration is sweet. He leads us by the still restful waters and restores our soul while we rest and meditate upon Him and His word.
    thank you

  24. wow, incredible. am more than blessed

  25. Just what I need. Thank you for speaking to me.

  26. Thank you for this word.Now all I need is faith .

  27. Darrell, I am so grateful that you wrote this post 3 years ago. At the time you wrote it my life was in utter shambles. Today as I googled, “God thank you for restoring my mind”, I came accross your post. What a blessing to take some time this morning and slowly read your words that God put on your heart for the future plans of his people. I am blessed to know Grace myself. Jesus ransomed me put of the pit if hell, placed me high on a mountain top in Colorado and healed my heart the winter of 2012. It was by my faith that I repented from all my sins and “just like that” Jesus picked me up and healed my brokenness. Jeremiah 29:11 resonates with me ever day. It is the verse that kept me hanging on. Just a few weeks ago, while reading my Bible I received that aha moment in Jerimiah 29:12-13 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
    I am so glad that God didn’t hide his face in anger at me, but loves me so much that he provided a way for me to me free of my sin and enjoy all the amazing and wonderful plans he has for me. Thank you Jesus for bridging the gap and restoring us.
    Darrell your work on this blog 3 years ago was a blessing and reminder to me today. Thank you for allowing God to use you. May you continue to be blessed to be a blessing to others. I am praying for gracious favor for you and your life.

  28. Praise the lord for the living word am blessed to have my happiness and joy in marriage which was stolen.
    God is true to his promises.

  29. Wow God is great. He lead to this article as I searched for something else. It’s almost if I read my current life story and I’m being lead to where I need to go.

    Thank you for this letter.

  30. Loved this post! Thank you!

  31. So glad I came across your post today! I struggle under the weight of my past sin, continuously reliving (mentally) my ‘fall from grace.’ Your words are a blessed reminder that God is faithful and able to restore.

  32. Thank you for this message. Hope and dreams had been lost for me; poor choices, resulted in a devustated spirit. It’s been a challenge to minister hope without much in my own heart…You words are like balm in my wounded heart. You are an amazing witness to those who need a word from the Word from the Lord.

  33. Yes you said you were a fallen pastor and so it is with my husband a pastor fallen into adultery as ive been praying and waiting on God for a year to restore what Satan is trying to destroy. What you say has encouraged me. Can you pray that God will move today for Joe and me his wife ordained by God and remove the strange girl Brooklynn. God bless you!


  1. Powerful Bible Verses- Scriptures in Pictures – Images of God’s Love « Darrell Creswell's Blog
  2. Jeremiah 29:11-13 – 2013 New Year’s Resolution – Understanding God’s Plan for My Life « Darrell Creswell's Blog
  3. Best of 2012 – Inspirational Favorite Bible Verses in Pictures « Darrell Creswell's Blog
  4. Lets Be REAL: Restore must Continue the weightloss Journey | Pretty Good Eats & More Activity
  5. inspirational bible quotes about life | Order Letter
  6. FREE Inspirational Bible Posters | Paper Gifts for Estefany
  7. Inspirational Bible Verses – Joel 2:25 – God Has Plans to Restore Your Life | Darrell Creswell – A Study of Christian Grace | ddnnews
  8. Inspirational Bible Verses – Joel 2:25 – God Has Plans to Restore Your Life – Dem Bones

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