God at the Wheel of Your 56 Buick – Inspirational Bible Verses

God is in controlFear shapes us. We are afraid the past will catch up with us . . . we are afraid of tomorrow . . . we are afraid of today. We find ourselves afraid of rejection, afraid of losing our job, afraid of failure – the list is endless. In order to not let your fear overtake you and control your life, you must realize who is in control to begin with.

When I was a small child, my grandfather gave my parents a car. We had many cars as I was growing up, but this one I distinctly remember. It was a 56 Buick. The car was not new by any means, in fact was probably about 10 years old.

It was a wonder to me. It had things that I had never seen in a car. Inside, the seats were scarlet nylon/leather stop sign red. This car had power windows, and I was always in trouble for constantly rolling my window in the back seat up and down. There was a huge silver aftermarket air conditioner installed underneath the dashboard that reached all the way to the floorboard. It was the first time that I had ever seen electric windows or an air conditioner in a car. These amenities may seem simple now but at the time it was enough to make a 6-year old heart soar with delight.

It was while thinking about the old large Buick that the Lord showed me comfort in a time of distress and anxiety in my life. As a small child, I was under-sized for my age. As a result, sitting in the back seat I could never see the road in front of the car. My field of vision was limited to the view outside my window in the back seat. I could not see the road behind me as I was not allowed sit up in the seat and I could not see over the tall bench seat in the front. I would scoot as close to my window as I could so that I could see the world as we passed it by through my window.

Thinking back, I never was afraid of what lay ahead in the road in front of us, as I knew that my father was in control at the wheel. I never was concerned, afraid, or anxious as I knew that I was safe in my father’s hands. The minimal anxiety that I had amounted to my asking my father “are we there yet”? My father’s “I will let you know when we get there” always let me know that all was good and we were getting closer to reaching our destination.

In life, God has reminded has me to not sit up in the seat and look behind me where I have already been, or stick my head up over the front seat and try and see where the road is leading. He has taught me to just relax and enjoy the ride as He is in control. It is a practice that I have not yet mastered, but have found out that the more that I submit myself to just sitting back and enjoying the ride, I find that I do just that . . . I enjoy the ride.

Let us never be afraid of what lies in front of us, as we know that our Father is in control at the wheel. Let us never be concerned, afraid or anxious as we are safe in our Father’s hands. May the minimal amount of anxiety that we feel add up to nothing more than us asking our Father “are we there yet”? We can be assured that our Heavenly Father will let us know when we will get there, assuring our hearts that all is well and that we will reach our destination. Find that 56 Buick in your life, roll up the window, crank up the air, sit back in God’s scarlet grace covered seat, and enjoy the ride.

Categories: Bible, Bible Verses and Scriptures, Christ, Christianity, Comfort, future, God, God's Love, Grace, Jesus, Success, Troubles

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15 replies

  1. BAM! Just what I needed today! Yeah, sometimes we just need to be a passenger in the backseat and let Jesus take the wheel! I’m smiling now. Great post!

  2. great post! You know, we often don’t see God as father & that’s why it seemingly looks difficult in just sitting at that back seat and enjoying the ride.. Thanks Derell! God bless you.

  3. I really needed this! Thank you.


    On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 5:45 AM, Darrell Creswell – A Study of Christian

  5. “Let us never be afraid of what lies in front of us, as we know that our Father is in control at the wheel. Let us never be concerned, afraid or anxious as we are safe in our Father’s hands.”
    Amen. Loved the analogy from your story. Good word! Blessings.

  6. Lovely message thanks Darrell. Good to see you back! Sharing thanks!

  7. Very encouraging post. I also admire your writing and your photography.

  8. Thank lord for protecting the world with your Grace

  9. I will join the ride. Praise the LORD.

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