The Lord Will Renew Your Strength

Isaiah 40:31 (New King James Version)

But those who wait on the LORD 
 Shall renew their strength; 
 They shall mount up with wings like eagles, 
 They shall run and not be weary, 
  They shall walk and not faint.

There are times in life when we feel so tired, worn out and stressed out that we think we are done, and we cannot even take one more step. Times when we seem to be going from crisis to crisis. There are times it seems when our friends and family drain all the energy from us as we give all our time and energy to them. But the Lord wants to give you new strength, renew your strength. He wants you to have life, and live it in abundance. God intends a wonderful fruitful life for us. Sometimes the key to that is stopping, and waiting on Him to accomplish His will in our lives.

All of us seem to grow impatient when we have to wait. A lot of times because of the hustle and bustle of our lives, we rush through life without stopping to evaluate where we are going, or what we are doing. Part of the process of God’s wondrous ability to bless our lives is you and I taking the time to slow down and listen for His voice. As we slow down and wait on Him, we are reminded of our complete dependence on His strength. I we take the time to stop slow down and wait, as we seek His will, He will reveal His plan for our lives.

In the Bible, waiting on the Lord is never passive: it is always active. Waiting upon the Lord requires us to stop, cease our own pursuits and give our Lord and Savior our complete undivided attention.  Sometimes that means giving up some of the things that we spend all our time doing. Some of the things that seem to inundate our lives.

Waiting on Him, may mean that we take an entire day, set aside all our regular pursuits, and give Him our complete attention. We may have to take time to be alone and sit quietly before Lord and listen for the sound of His voice. If we ask him, God has promised us through His Word that He will show us the resources that He has provided for us to accomplish all the work and struggle that we have been attempting to do on our own.

The Lord may deal with our heart as we feel some conviction for activities and pursuits that He has not directed in our lives. We need to understand and realize that Jesus Christ carried more responsibility than we do, He carried the sins of the world on His shoulder, and laid down his life for us that he may bear our sorrows, carry our burdens and renew our strength. There are more people in this world that need Christ than need me, that’s for sure. But as many of those that need Him, he is never overwhelmed or inadequate to supply their needs.

Jesus offers to guide you and encourage you so that you will fulfill your heavenly Fathers will and renew your strength that is need to carry on  and live your life to its fullest.

Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

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9 replies

  1. This is great! Thank you for posting this.

  2. I will wait in the Lord doing what is right at his eyes. The ones that wait in the Lord will renew strength.

  3. I accidentally found this and am so in awe of God’s guidance. I am so blessed by reading this! I am contemplating a major life change as I can retire from my current job and am trying to figure out which direction to go with my future. Thank you for being obedient to Christ and posting this blog.

  4. I also accidentally found this and I’m so blessed while reading it. I just came from my work, so tired, and feel weak physically. Thank GOD because HE can always offer me a brand new strength, in an amazing way! Thanks for posting this 🙂



  1. The Lord Will Renew Your Strength (via DarrellCreswell’s Blog) « OceanDawn

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