Marriage – I am My Beloved’s and My Beloved is Mine – Inspirational Scriptures

Song of solomon marriage1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you. No, Peter is not specifically speaking of marriage in this scripture, even though there are those in jest that would say that it is a perfect fit. All joking aside, marriage is a beautiful institution ordained by God for our pleasure, and in which we should experience joy and fullness of life.

It is important to a marriage relationship that we are each others cheerleader and that we affirm our spouse’s identity. We need to avow the gift of each other that God has given us. Nothing discourages us more than when someone we love demeans our intellect. Nothing breaks down a marriage quicker than when we degrade each other. We do not have to say things that aren’t true about each other, but we must confirm his/her true qualities. Positive affirmation is a MUST for a happy, positive and fulfilling marriage. There is nothing more important than to know that you are respected and honored by your spouse. Many marriages fail because we do not realize that our words have a powerful effect on each other. Unite in Christ Jesus and allow Him to be the language of love in your marriage.

The husband has a special place under God as a covering for his wife. Together a husband and wife should become in marriage more like Jesus Christ. Husband, your wife is much the better as you support her in prayer and together you form a bond that solidifies one another in Christ. A husband and wife should see in each other, one another’s faults and weaknesses and before God and stand in the gap praying and seeking God for their spouse. A husband and wife are partners united as one in Christ Jesus.

We as husbands need to find ourselves on our knees every day thanking God for our spouse, while showering her with love and affection, affirming to her that she is the object of our hearts’s desire, our wants and wishes. This is a husband’s duty to God and to his wife. We as men are made by God to guard and protect our wife. We should always speak well of her and uplift her in public as well as private, praising her as the gift of God in our lives.

In her thoughts and in her life, may your wife be able to speak the same of you, as the wife of Solomon spoke of him as she realized his love for her in Song of Solomon 7:10  I belong to my beloved and his desire is for me.

Marriage is ecstatically happy at times, excruciatingly painful at others, a mixture of good and bad in between. Even the best marriage has its periods of desperation. Marriage is the union of two flawed people who each have their own baggage that they bring into the union of marriage and together they learn to pack their bags together.

Song of Solomon 6:3 says: I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.

What she is saying is that they are friends, devoted and delighted to the care of one another. They are not just married but are close friends who delight in one another—each putting the others needs before their own.

My prayer is that God will bless every marriage; that each partner affirms the other and is a staunch supporter for his or her partner; that they might say of each other, as we read in verse 16: Everything about him/her delights me, thrills me through and through!

If we apply the words of God written in Isaiah 43:1-3, we can be assured that the hand of God will be upon our holy union – holding us, guiding us and protecting us together in marriage.

Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

Categories: Bible, Bible Verses and Scriptures, Christ, Christianity, Family, God, God's Love, Grace, Joy, Love, Marriage

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42 replies

  1. Thank you for blessing us with this is wonderful post, Darrell! We have our 51st anniversary coming up and everything you described about a marriage and husband-wife relationship is so true! Every marriage needs God to bless it for sure! \o/

    I appreciate you and enjoy using your Bible scriptures in pictures on my posts!
    God bless you,

  2. AMEN!!! Awesome… I just love your posts!!

  3. “…Marriage is the union of two flawed people who each have their own baggage that they bring into the union of marriage and together they learn to pack their bags together…”

    Amen. This is true for us. Thanks for the great message.

  4. Darrell I will be back to comment but just thought I would let you know that I’m unable to leave a Like on your Post, it just keeps loading perhaps others are having the same trouble and I know you have a lot who do even if they don’t leave a comment.

    Blessings Anne

  5. Thank you for sharing this here today, Darrell. My sweet husband gave me a ring for Valentine’s Day a couple of years ago with the Song of Solomon 6:3 passage on it and I cherish it…

  6. Wonderful advice Darrell and I loved the graphic it reminds me that even in marriage we should be like children dependant and Trusting and willing to ask and receive.

    I often wonder where sayings come from, like Marriages are made in Heaven. I know that the Truth is when we try to make it work in the flesh it has no + we seek God’s way , one day at a time. I will be sure to pass on your message to Ron and perhaps I need to cut and paste it too, Thank you.

    A man and woman’s’ heart should be so hidden in Christ Jesus that to find each other they need to seek Him first.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne

  7. Darrell, Wonderful message, as always. The truth of the Scriptures is the Light for our relationships–and especially for the closest relationship of all. Thanks again for sharing, Grace & Peace, luke

  8. Great message about marriage, and the scriptures were perfect! What a comforting reminder of God holding us, guiding us, and protecting us!! Thank you for your post. God bless you.

  9. My wife and I both have had previous marriages (ended due to unfaithfulness on our exes’ parts). I love her greatly and really enjoy when she brags on me in public. She enjoys it, as well, when I do so about her. This entry hits the nail on the head. God bless you, Darrell.

    • That’s the good thing about God Jeffrey – He is a God of restoration, restoring all that was lost and then adding some sweetening to the pot for good measure, but the you all ready know that 🙂 Reading through your page at I read Has It Already Been Two Decades? reminding me that my 3rd class reunion was a few years ago a the 4th is around the bend – Time flies and the goodness of the Lord fills the years – My marriage situation is the same as yours and the Lord has blessed me greatly with my wife Gracie, she is the treasure of my heart, In Christ Darrell

  10. Darrell. With rising divorce rates and the tide sweeping the world of living together without marriage, your blog is a timely reminder, warning and affirmation from the Lord, . It is like a mirror for husbands and wives to look into to confirm where they are and to have the courage to change where gaps exist. Another blessing to ChristianBlessings would you agree?

  11. Darrell you have a good point when you quoted Isaiah 43, for sometimes in our marriages we do forget that verse and try to handle everything on our own . I can only speak for myself of course. How much better it would be if we acknowledged His presence there with us . Thanks for the reminder,


    • Actually Ron, I was writing the post when I saw Isaiah 43 in a comment from Anne and I said to myself Hey that will work right here 🙂 So thank you Anne for the reminder – Blessings Darrell

      • Hi Darrell, thank you for the respect and kindness you showed me in acknowledging that you used the Scripture I shared, it takes a very strong man in Character to give credit to a woman at anytime but to do so publicly shows Loving strength in The Lord. I think this is why I was so blessed by your message on Marriage it was more about the wife, yes even in our need to respect our husbands because in doing so he feels secure in his Leadership and so do we. Sahara called Abraham Lord and was blessed greatly by doing so.

        Jesus said that Divorce shows a hard heart, many today even Christians do not realise that holding onto bitterness and resentment toward their husbands or wives instead of forgiving shows this to be true, anger expresses hurt but God tells us to resolve what is causing it not to ignore it or run away from it . When the Scriptures tell us God has righteous anger it is because He is hurting, He hates evil because it hurts us, His much Loved Children. Jesus was known as a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief, Jesus did not run away, He died for us and bridged the Gap, now we can freely go to Him for help, ( Matthew 11:28 ) we don’t need to sacrifice sheep, He is the Lamb of God the final sacrifice our only Mediator. As Ron said and you have said before, many don’t depend on Him, they push on alone in their hurt and anger trying to justify it or blame others, which in the end poisons them and kills all the goodness and so their heart becomes hard and Satan has a foothold but repentance and restoration will soften it and send the Devil fleeing and then God keeps them safe from the scorching flames as He moulds and shapes them in His tender Loving hands into the image of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ as they walk in The Fruit of The Spirit by His empowering.

        Thank you Darrell, I respect you greatly as a man of God and Gracie as a very beautiful woman who God cherishes greatly and it is shown in her respect for you that you do too.

        Christian Love Always from us both – Anne

      • Thank you Anne – One must give credit where credit is due, if it be of a woman or man is nor consequence to me 🙂 I always seek the counsel of my wife Gracie, she is a pretty sharp cookie. I thank the Lord for you and Anne and appreciate all that you share with me. It blesses my soul – In Christ Darrell

  12. “It is important to a marriage relationship that we are each others cheerleader and that we affirm our spouse’s identity. We need to avow the gift of each other that God has given us” – A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!! IN AGREEMENT!!!! This is a wonderful post 🙂

  13. YES YES YES! Your words explain my very thoughts. Such a great post! Very well done and I look forward to reading more of your work. Have a great day!

  14. Sweet love quotes for husband and wife. Nice love quotes on marriage to say to your better half. I hope you’ll like these quotes and use them to say to your husband or wife at various romantic occasions.Marriage is no doubt a great union of two souls and both husband and wife needs to show their love in some unique ways timely to show the love, the care and the affection they have for the better half.

  15. Thanks for your post! A blessed marriage is a gift from God…so happy to read your truth filled words based on Scripture. Too many people are deceived by twisted actions and beliefs of our culture. After 35 years of marriage, I KNOW that marriage is awesome: – )

  16. Uplifting message Darrell. I just love what Larry Who said. ‘husband and wife comes with baggage, and we must learn together to pack and unpack our bags.
    Shalom to you and Gracie.

  17. Your interest in this subject is appreciated and I am glad that we have the Bible as our source book to tell us what God expected of the wife in the marriage relationship. There are several verses in Ephesians, the fifth chapter that you should read, beginning with verse 22. Let me read only three of these for you. Verse 22, “Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord”. Then verse 24, “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything”. Then verse 33, “nevertheless let everyone of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband”. Then in I Peter 3:1, “Like wise you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands”.

  18. I love this, Darrell “Marriage is the union of two flawed people who each have their own baggage that they bring into the union of marriage and together they learn to pack their bags together.” Because when we pack bags with another person we must make space for their belongings and help everything to fit into the bag. That is wonderful! I also love the verse at the end. Thank you so much for sharing!


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