Hemingway . . . And a Six Word Story of Grace

grace world salvation john 3 16I read a story about Ernest Hemingway, that while sitting with some friends he made the statement that he could write a complete story using only six words.

His friends disagreed with him, and wagered a bet of ten dollars that he could not complete the task.

He reached over, picked up a napkin, took a pen from his pocket and scribbled down six words.

He then passed around the napkin to each of his friends upon which they promptly paid the bet, agreeing that he had won.

Here is what he wrote:
For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.

The story moved my emotions and thoughts to realize that one can gather enough information in a few words to spur the imagination, and to reach a conclusion as to the origin and deeper meaning of the story.

This got me to thinking. What could I possibly say in six words about Christ that would constitute a story? I am no Ernest Hemingway for sure, and my humble attempt at a six word story is not to compete or compare but simply to glorify the Lord. Here is my six word story about grace.

Man sinned. Jesus crucified. Resurrected. Salvation.

Or on a more personal note \o/

My Sin. His Grace. I’m Saved.

grace world my im saved john 3 16

Categories: Bible Verses and Scriptures, Christianity, God, God's Love, Grace, Jesus, Restoration, Salvation

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32 replies

  1. Creative! Awesome picture through your words, all of which come from God. Blessings.

  2. My wheels are turning to write a six-word story … You’re making me think … I suppose that’s a good thing 🙂

  3. Reblogged this on My Word Like Fire and commented:
    No point in discernment ministries if we forget who Christ is and what He did for us.

  4. Hey, Darrell, I reblogged your beautiful six words, thank you, but the above remark was (I thought) only appearing on my own blog. I appreciate what you do because it is always good to celebrate such amazing grace.

  5. AWESOME, Darrell! Who knew that just six words could be so powerful.

  6. Love it Darrell. Blessings to you and Gracie.

  7. Reblogged this on Tricia's Journal Jots Blog and commented:
    Darrell Creswell did a great job of writing a 6-word story.

  8. Great Darrell, you did it! Thank’s for the story. Be BLESSED!

  9. Oh this is wonderful, and like Heidi, I’m spurred to think of my 6 too! It might be tough–I’m known for being long on “chatty”, short on “concise”. Here’s a quick try: Lost, miserable; found, redeemed; Joy Eternal. Off topic: you have very piercing eyes, do you ever scare people? God bless you BIG–sis Caddo


  1. Paying homage at Hemingway’s Paris shrines | The Collaborative Writer
  2. The Old Man and The Sea – Ernest Hemingway | PeoplePlacesThings

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